When mold impacts a property, it is essential that remediation be performed quickly and thoroughly, under carefully controlled environmental conditions. Our certified team of mold remediation experts are specifically trained in treating and removing harmful contamination and returning a property to optimal environmental levels.
In accord with industry best practices, a mold remediation protocol will be prepared by an independent, certified environmental professional as the first step. This will be followed by containment of the impacted area, which requires sealing off the work area with plastic and possibly setting up negative air machines to channel contaminated air away from the work area to avoid cross contaminating non-impacted areas. After remediation is complete, clearance testing will be performed to confirm that all contamination has been removed.
Common Mold Remediation Questions
Why is mold growing in my property?
Mold is part of the natural environment. Outdoors, mold plays an important part in nature, but indoors, it can cause health problems. Mold grows indoors when spores land on wet surfaces, including some food sources.
Can mold cause health problems?
Outdoors, no. But inside a residence or place of business, mold has the potential to cause health problems. Mold can produce allergens, irritants, and, in some cases, toxic substances known as mycotoxins. Prolonged exposure to mold can cause allergic reactions, irritation to the eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs, and asthma attacks in individuals with asthma.
What steps should I take once the mold has been found?
Test, remediate, and test again. Mold remediation must be performed under carefully environmentally controlled conditions. Our team of trained, certified experts will respond to your request quickly and complete all the necessary steps to remove the mold from your property.