Windsor Park ApartmentsWoodbridge, VA$172,000 Fire Restoration

Smoldering ashes from a fireplace were put on the wooden deck to cool, resulting in seven apartment units suffering severe damage from both the fire and, unquestionably, the water used to extinguish it.

Within a four-month period, Minkoff Company performed comprehensive restorations on three of the units, including full kitchen and bath replacements, new drywall throughout, all the interior finishes, and the prefab fireplaces. The other four units required drywall repair, extensive cleaning and painting, and floor covering replacements. Exterior repairs included replacing 50% of the roof framing and all of the sheathing and shingles; siding was replaced on the side and rear of this section and the entire building was painted.

11716 Baltimore Avenue Beltsville, MD 20705
p: 301-652-8711
f: 301-656-0338